Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day!

Merry Christmas!!! While JB hasn't quite figured out what Christmas is about, she has figured out that you get to rip paper off of boxes and play with ribbons. Here she is helping me open my gift from William-Sonoma (aren't you proud of Jordan Caroline?). Sorry about the red eye, I haven't touched up any of the photos...

We got many a gift from family and friends. But I am very very excited about the Cooking for Baby cookbook that Jordan got for JB (really for me) and the mini food mill and bamboo cutting board(not pictured here) that Jordan's mom got me. Think about it people, fresh food for JB at a fraction of the cost! Fresh peas might be a bit pricey, but compared to nasty green peas in a jar (from 50 cents to a dollar), it's a steal. And really people, you steam or bake the food and then mash it, freeze it if you want to store it and you're golden, and the recipes are like bag of peas, steam, mash, tada! Done. In about two and a half weeks we'll see how it goes, squash and peas here we come!
Hot chocolate maker! Best cocoa ever!!! It took a whole 6 minutes for two big cups of cocoa.

It would've been four minutes, but I wanted my cocoa frothy, so I set it to frothy! Can you think of a better Christmas? A couple of other things we got was powdered milk for food storage (I grew up on the stuff so I love it! Some people think I'm crazy...). Jordan got a cot, some clothes, gloves to go fishing in the winter with, emergency flashlight and food, and I got lots of kitchen things from William-Sonoma. All in all it was a wonderful Christmas!
Mele Kalikimaka!